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CQ 2025, Relays of 4: SOLD OUT
Classic Quarter 2025, Relays of 4: SOLD OUT
2023-24 Season
How it works
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The 2023-24 UK Season Leaderboard runs from October 2023 to June 2024.

Runners who complete ANY distance category at a UK event will be awarded points and will feature on the UK Leader Board. The four best performances over the season will make up the participant's overall season score and determine their final standing. By taking part in four or more events over the season you will therefore give yourself the maximum potential for points but you don't need to take part in that many.

How are points awarded?

100 points are awarded to both the male and female winner of each distance category at each event. All other finishers within that distance category will then receive a number of points based on how far behind the winning time they finished (within their gender category).

For example, Chris wins the 10K in a time of 1:00:00. Todd comes second in a time of 1:10:00 and gets 85.71 points. Jordan is 200th in 3:30:00 and gets 28.57 points.

Which events are included?

All of the Endurancelife UK events (within the season window of Oct 2023 to June 2024) apart from the relay classes in the Classic Quarter.

When will the Leader Board go live?

The Leader Board will go live a few days after the first event in the series (Suffolk on the 14th of October 2023). It will then refresh within 24hrs of each subsequent event.

Are there separate Leader Boards for gender and distance classes?

No, there is one Leader Board which is an overall competition across both genders and all distance classes. As points are calculated within each gender at each event, both genders can then be directly compared with each other on the same Leader Board. The same principle applies between distance classes; for example, equal points are awarded across the 10K class in just the same way as an Ultra class so your overall score can be made up of performances at different distance categories at different event locations.

How do I take part?

Everyone who takes part in any of the included events will be awarded points by default and will therefore show on the Leader Board, you do not need to 'opt in' to the competition.

When will we know who has won the competition?

The overall winner will be crowned the week after the final event in the season (Classic Quarter, on 25th May 2024). The Classic Quarter is therefore the last opportunity to secure points to help bump up your position.

Good luck!